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Breeds with variety

Class 10 Points

Best Male/Female of Variety  10 Points

Best Male/Female of breed  10 Points & 1 Major

Best of Breed  15 Points

Breeds without variety

Class 15 Points

Best Male/Female of Breed  15 Points & 1 Major

Best of Breed  15 Points

Class Age Groups

6-9 Months

9-12 Months

1-2 Years

2-3 Years

3+ Years

Competition Class and Win


A total of 45 points can be won in a Show

* A Major is when a dog wins Best Male or Best Female

* A Leg is when a dog takes a Champion win


Class breakdown for each variety or breed:

Puppy 6-9 months

Senior puppy 9-12 months

Junior 1-2 years

Adult  2-3 years

Senior   3+

To become Champion


  • Dog´s can only compete in One class per show.

  • There must be a minimum of 2 dogs in it´s class to earn any points.

  • All dogs will get 10 points for 1st place in the class (only if there is competition)

  • 1st place winners from each class will compete for best female or best male

  • The best female and male/and best of varities will compete for best of winners

  • In order to recieve points for best female and best male or best of winners there must be competition (at least one other dog in competition or group)

To become National Champion


  • Must have a minimum of 160 pts

  • Must have earned 5 Majors minimum of 2 outside of state                                                                                 To become International Champion                   

  • Must have earned a minimum of 6 Majors , a minimum of 2 out of state and 2 out of the country                                                                                       

To become Grand Champion



Must earn 4 Champion wins 

To earn a Champion win there must be a minimum of 3 dogs in the Champion class

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